Sunday, August 14, 2011

again be a student

today is my registration day at UiTM Shah Alam. The registration start at 830am until 1230pm as stated at offer letter. So, I know all faculty's students will register on the same day... means.. I need to queue up@rebut2 kot <---my assumption only. so, I decided to come not to early and not too late.. I arrived around 11a.m...and I'm shocked! very2 long queue!! like convocation day...cess..1.45 p.m settled my registration yuhuu!! even not too complete registration because I am deliberately not to submit medical check up form (tak siap) and not pay the fees yet kehkehkeh. ermm and also I will starting my class on 12, I'll have not enough/much time to blogging maybe...sob sob..however I feel happy coz I have this chance yeayh!
p/s; muke sengal sambil menunggu member amik plus frust terlepas sahur =_=!


  1. sambung course apa??
    yeay!! kak niza still around..leh ler jmpe

  2. Wah,,, yang ni lagi tak sabar nak tunggu bulan 9... hehehe

  3. nisa..smbg kos yg same hehe...yup2..insyaAllah nti kite jmp keyhh hehe
    bella...mmg xsbr pon hehe...;)
